
Music Genres avalible to search are: ‘Chart‘ (2000-2018), ‘90s Chart‘ (1990-1999), ‘80s Chart‘ (1980-1989), ‘Hip Hop‘, ‘Reggae‘, ‘80s & 90s Dancehall Reggae‘, ‘R&B‘, ‘Garage’, ‘Dance‘ and ‘Disco

Please note that not every song has a year label and the years can be wrong so it’s better to search by either by title, artist or genre.

If the process below seems too complicated the alternative is search for the songs and use copy & paste (song name and title i.e. Roar – Katy Perry) to make a list which you can then email to me at djkripstar@gmail.com

How to use the Song Selector to make a Playlist in 6 easy steps

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Step One:

Scroll to the bottom of the Song Selector and click on the ‘Login’ button.

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Step Two:

In the pop-up ‘Signin’ box enter the login details that have been provided to you, i.e. Email & Password, and click on the ‘Login’ button.

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Step Three:

Once your logged into the Song Selector you will see the Welcome message at the top of the page and also the ‘Search By:’ box, click on this and choose whether to search by song ‘Title’, ‘Artist’, ‘Genre’ or ‘Year’. Experiment to find which search option suits you best, the first one ‘Title – Artist’ is not to be used.

Genres available to search at the moment are ‘Chart’ (which contains various hit songs from 2000 to the present day), ‘Garage’, ‘R&B’ & ‘Hip Hop’. Select ‘Genre’ and type in one of these into the search box to browse songs of those genres. The years at the moment go from 1990 to 2018 (2000 to 2018 hold the most songs at this present time).

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Step Four:

To search for songs you must have the ‘Master Playlist’ selected in the ‘Select a Playlist:’ box. Also note that anything you have written in the ‘Search’ box the song list below will show, to go back and show all the songs you must clear the ‘Search’ box entry.

Once you find a song you want to add to your Playlist, check the box next to it’s name to add it, this song will now stay in your ‘Current Selection’ Playlist unless you un-check it in either the ‘Master Playlist’, ‘Current Selection’ or your final Playlist (your own Playlist will have your name & event date as the title, something like John 16/12/18 Playlist and will appear in the ‘Select a Playlist’ box).

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Step Five:

The ‘Show Selection’ button or ‘Current Selection’ Playlist show you only all the songs you have currently checked/selected, go through the ‘Master Playlist’ to check songs/un-check songs and get your ‘Current Selection’ Playlist 100% sorted & decided on before moving onto the last step!

The ‘Playlist Length’ will give you a rough guide on the overall time of your ‘Current Selection’ of songs. To show more songs in the list at one time, click on the ‘Songs per page’ box and change the number, use the ‘Arrow’ buttons below the song list to scroll back and forth through the song pages.

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Step Six (Final Step):

Once you have choosen all you songs and decided upon your Playlist (it’s important that you finish all the previous steps off first before saving!), now is the time to save it to the final Playlist (the one titled with your name & event date that resides in the ‘Select a Playlist’ box). To save all your selected songs to this final Playlist click on the ‘Manage | Save’ button under the song list, a pop-up box will appear titled ‘Manage Playlist’, check the round circle titled ‘Merge with existing selected Playlist’ then clcik on the ‘Existing Playlist’ box, you will see your Playlist (the one titled with your name & event date), choose that one and click the ‘Save’ button.

Congratulations! you have now finished making your song Playlist for your event.

It’s best to use Song Selector on a desktop or laptop computer with a big screen!

Some final notes: Click on the ‘Eye’ icon next to the ‘length’ of the song will do a YouTube search for the song so you can listen to it. Once you have saved and merged your ‘Current Selection’ Playlist into your final Playlist (the one titled with your name & event date), that particular Playlist cannot be edited if you log back into the Song Selector, you can only add more songs to that final Playlist by using the Merge method again (Step Six). So if you urgently need to change the whole Playlist and make a new one, please save it as a New Playlist with a New title by checking the ‘Create a new playlist’ round circle (see Step Six).